Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Houston Vacation: Summary (10/14/10 - 10/24/10)

Overall, we had a really great vacation and a nice time with Mike, Jodi, and the kids. Lily loved her aunt, uncle, niece, and nephew and I was so glad that they all finally got to meet her. Lily made great friends with the neighbor girls too, especially Grace. And apparently she has a boyfriend in little Nathan who always wanted to be near her and hug her. The weather was hot but gorgeous. We mostly did a lot of hanging out and catching up but also got to do some sight-seeing around Houston. Mike and Jodi were awesome hosts and we got totally spoiled by Jodi’s wonderful cooking. We really couldn’t have asked for a better week.

The only bad part (other than Lily getting sick) was that she slept very poorly but that is to be expected due to the change in her routine. She wanted to get up at 5am every morning which was difficult for all of us. That’s 6am our time but still really early for her. We slept in Mike and Jodi’s room so they were in the living room. We tried to keep Lily contained in the bedroom as long as possible but it was hard. She was a good napper, at least, but only took one nap per day.

Lily started working on her manners this week. It was so cute. She would say “deek you” (thank you) all the time and would giggle hysterically when we would say “you’re welcome” in response. She also started saying “I sorry mama”. She said it the first time completely unprompted when she was misbehaving and I told her that she was going to have to take a nap if she was going to be crabby. It was adorable. Then she started saying it for silly unnecessary reasons like when she ate all of her food or pooped. I kept trying to explain to her that she didn’t need to be sorry for things like that!

Lily was still really into her ABC book and insisted that I read it to her every night. She frequently sang her ABCs up to G then would trail off. She is such a smart little girl.

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