Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lily's Eleventh Week (5/11/09 - 5/17/09)

This was my first full week back to work. It is still hard being away from Lily but I am at least getting into a routine with getting ready and leaving for work in the morning, pumping on my breaks, and everything. I have been producing more milk than Lily needs so I am just freezing the excess every few days. It has been working out really well. Lily is still nursing almost hourly with me when we get home and 2-3 times in the night but I just consider it our quality time together. I am proud that it is the one thing that I can do with her that no one else can. It's our special bond. She actually slept through the night on Tuesday which completely freaked me out. There was a big thunderstorm that night. Paul and I were so exhausted that we might have slept through it but it woke up and scared Rachel so she came and slept on the floor in our room. Lily never woke up even though the thunder was really loud. I still didn't get to sleep through the night because, after Rachel came and woke us up, I kept getting up hourly to check on Lily, amazed that she was still sleeping.

Lily's head control has increased a lot since last week. With her increased head control, she has been tracking people a lot more as they come and go in front of her. She is so aware of her surroundings and smiles when Mommy or Daddy come into the room. She is also totally fascinated by her sister, Rachel. She is reaching a lot and we play a game where she grabs my nose and I make a silly face or she puts her hand in my mouth and I pretend to eat it and make lots of silly sounds. She finds it quite fun. She made little noises last week that were kind of like a laugh but this week it is definitely a laugh. It is very cute. She smiles and laughs a lot at Kirsten. I think she really likes her. I am incredibly grateful for Kirsten and think that things are working out really well having her watch Lily. I think Lily is in the best possible place while we are at work which is such a great relief for me and makes being away from her a bit easier knowing I can trust that she is well taken care of.

On Friday, my mom came to clean our house for us and my dad accompanied her to help out as well. While she cleaned, he returned my broken camera, weed-whipped the lawn, and fixed the hot water line on our washer. I am so grateful to have their help. When we got home, we ordered pizza for dinner then held them hostage and showed them videos we have shot of Lily. Yep, we are those annoying people now!

On Saturday, Paul worked around the yard and Lily, Rachel, and I had a lazy day around the house. I never even changed out of my pajamas. I was glad to have a lazy day after a long week at work but wanted to get out and have some fun on Sunday. Sunday morning, Debbie called and said that she was in East Lansing and they were having an art fair that day so we drove over and went to the art fair with her and her mother-in-law, Tish. It was a beautiful day. I was glad to get out and do something and the art fair was really fun. Afterward, we hung out at the Vincent's house for a little while.

Here are some pictures from this week.

Looking adorable with her chubby cheeks:

My beautiful baby asleep on my lap:

Sucking on her fingers on the couch:

Chillin on the Boppy:

She is reaching for things a lot now. She is trying to get the camera:

I love this look on her face:

My cute little baby:

Mmm. My fingers are tasty:

So cute:

Sleepy babies Lily and Sophia at the East Lansing Art Fair:

The girls having a conversation. I am holding Lily, Sophia is being held by her Grandma Tish:

Lily and Sophia playing at the Vincent's house:

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