Sunday, April 19, 2009

Lily's Sixth Week of Life (4/6/09 - 4/12/09)

This week Lily's tummy problems were much improved to the relief of us all. She is smiling a lot now and has a very expressive face. She has even started cooing and talking to us. On Monday, Lily had her one month doctor check. She is apparently Mommy's little butterball now. She went from 7 lbs 12 oz at birth, dropped to 7 lbs at three days old, and now is 10 lbs 5 oz. She has grown from 20.5 inches at birth to 22.1 inches. I discussed her stomach issues with the doctor but she wasn't concerned and said to just keep using the Mylicon if it is working for her. I don't know if it helps a ton but a little improvement is better than none.
Here are some of Lily's adorable expressions:

I love this smile:

asleep on Mommy:
asleep with Daddy:

asleep on Grandma:
On Friday, I had my post-partum OB visit. Everything looks good and (unfortunately) he gave me clearance to return to work when my 8 weeks of leave are up. I am thinking about taking another week off though as I have enough hours saved and the idea of leaving Lily just kills me.
On Saturday, Paul picked up Rachel from the airport while Lily and I went to Meghan's wedding shower. Lily was one of three infants there. There was a 3 week old, a 7 week old, and Lily who is 6 weeks old. Crazy! I got to visit with Lynn, a former coworker. It was great seeing her again and she gave Lily some adorable outfits. Lily was really good and pretty much slept the whole time:

Sunday was Easter. We usually spend Saturday night with my parents and have Rachel do her egg hunt there then go to 10:00 mass. However, with a little baby, we figured it would be easier to sleep at home. Plus, we didn't want her keeping my parents up all night if she was fussy! We got up really early, had Rachel do her egg hunt at home, then got ready and headed to my parents' house for 12:00 mass. Here we are when we first got there. Lily wasn't in her Easter dress yet but we thought it was cute because all the girls were wearing pink:

Lily did awesome and actually slept through most of mass and was quiet the little bit of time she was awake. I was amazed. I was glad we got to go to noon mass because the Stockmans and Lumsdens were there because Grayson played in the children's bell choir. It was adorable! Once we got back to my parents' house, my mom got the meal ready and I took some pictures of Lily with her stuffed bunnies while we waited for the rest of the family to arrive:

I got Lily this adorable bib and just love this picture:

We had a great dinner with my parents, Grandma Marion, Aunt Robin, Uncle Lee, Ashlee, Jeremy, and Todd. People took turns eating and holding Lily. After dinner, Ashlee and Todd were goofing around with our bunny ears:

my girls:

Lily's dress matched Paul's shirt perfectly. This is her in her "arm sloth" position which is her favorite way of being held and bounced around when she is fussy:

The biggest calming influence on Lily all day was Aunt Robin. Whenever Lily got fussy, we just had to hand her to Robin and she calmed right down:

Todd passed out after the Easter meal so he and Lily napped together on the couch:

Lily with Ashlee:

When the festivities were winding down, we got her out of her dress and into something more comfortable. Her "I'm Mommy's Dream Come True" outfit is my absolute favorite. Here she is being held by Jeremy. I think she looked angelic against his shirt color:

After dinner we took Rachel to Northville to her best friend Katelyn's house for a sleepover. Katelyn is in town for her spring break which is the week after Rachel's but worked out okay because Rachel was in Charleston last week. Luckily, Rachel has Monday off of school so they could have a sleepover Sunday night. After driving from Davison to Northville then Northville to home, it was late and we were exhausted. Especially since we had to start the busy day so early! It was a wonderful Easter, though, and were so happy to share it with our great family and our wonderful new baby.

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