Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Lily's Fifth Week of Life (3/30/09 - 4/5/09)

Lily's fifth week of life was somewhat difficult for all of us. She had a lot of digestive problems this week and spent about two hours nearly every night up screaming so no one in the house got a lot of sleep. She got a bit better near the end of the week and even let me sleep for three and a half hours straight one night. My mom came and helped Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Friday, my Aunt Gloria came again with my mom. She helped with Lily while my mom helped clean the house and she brought a delicious soup for lunch. I sure appreciate all the help! I have a total new found respect for single moms. I have no idea how they do it. I can barely manage to brush my teeth if it is just Lily and I!
On Saturday we had a really busy day. We got up early, all got ready, then went to the Gem and Mineral Show which is an annual favorite of Paul and Rachel's. I picked out some nice jewelry there for Paul to give me for my birthday. Then we headed over to the hospital for Paul and I's wellness exams. This was the first time I had been weighed since I had Lily. Mind you, I lost 13 pounds while I was pregnant with her. In the five weeks since I had her, I lost 28 more pounds making my grand total 41 pounds lost since I got pregnant. I am wearing clothes I haven't worn in years. It is awesome! All with no dieting. When I was pregnant, I got full really quickly. Now that I have Lily, she is breastfeeding which burns a lot of calories plus she seems to always get fussy when I want to eat so I don't get to eat much. While we were at the hospital, Lily got hungry, of course. I found one of the breastpumping rooms and nursed her on one side while trying out the breastpump on the other. It works really great. I was so thrilled to find out that the hospital had such rooms for its employees. The room that I used will not likely be one I use when I return to work because it was in Mott Children's Hospital but there are a few rooms in the main hospital that I will have to check out. Afterward, we went home, bathed Lily, got changed, then went to Davison for Alice and Bill Stockman's surprise 40th anniversary party. It was a really nice party thrown by their kids, Carol and Christa. Lily slept through most of it and fussed through the rest. We tried to leave the party at a decent hour but had to turn back and go to my parents' house because Lily was screaming and we figured she was hungry. It took us a few hours to settle her down but we figured it was easier to do it there than tolerate an hour of screaming in the car. We ended up getting home pretty late.
Sunday, Paul and Rachel had to get up early to take Rachel to the airport. She is going to Charleston for a week on vacation with her mom. Lily let me sleep in a little bit, thank goodness. Later that evening, we had a baptism class back at St. John in Davison so we went to my parents' for dinner. While we were there, we exchanged cars with them because my mom decided to get a new car and instead of trading in her 2004 Buick LeSabre, she trading in my 2000 Buick LeSabre and I get to keep her newer car. I was totally shocked when she told me her plans to do so on Friday. It is unbelievably generous of her! She did the same thing 5 years ago, trading in my 1995 Saturn and giving me her 2000 LeSabre when she bought her 2004 but I never expected her to be able to repeat such a wonderful gift. We are truly grateful! My parents babysat Lily while we were in the class. Unfortunately, when we got home, we learned that poor Lily had pretty much screamed the entire hour and a half that we were gone. She was apparently hungry but refused to take the bottle of breastmilk. We had supplemented her with a bottle during her first week of life and she had a bit of difficulty with it then but I never figured she would not take it at all now. We tried it again with her when we got there, we even switched to another nipple and tried it all again after she had breastfed some and wasn't as desperately hungry. I don't know what to do. Clearly, she needs to learn how to drink from a bottle soon when I return to work. I know of people having problems with their babies learning to breastfeed but I have never heard of babies having trouble learning to bottlefeed. She fussed and cried for a long time before she settled down so we got home pretty late yet again. Poor Paul didn't have a very relaxing weekend and will probably be exhausted for work on Monday.
Here are a few pictures from the week. Apparently, I was a bit negligent on my photography duty.

my girls:

Lily loves bath time:

more bath time fun:

hanging with Grandma Chris:

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