Wednesday, September 17, 2008

17 Weeks Along (Friday, 9/12/08)

Saturday we spent the entire day crib shopping around the Novi area. We saw lots of high end and lots of low end cribs. I fell in love with a crib at our first stop, Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard, but Paul insisted we keep looking. Being short, I need a crib with a drop side. I was amazed at how crappy and loud the drop mechanism was on a lot of the cribs. The majority of the high end models didn’t have drop sides which would apparently mean that I would have to toss the baby in. Not a good idea. After spending the entire day shopping (always Paul’s favorite activity), we decided that the crib at MHC was indeed the best so we went back there and bought it. It is made of hardwood (we refused to get one made of pine), has a super smooth drop side, and is sleigh style with beautifully carved legs. Plus it is normally about $800 on sale for $498. We ordered it in a medium oak color to match the rest of the furniture. Now we have to wait 6-8 weeks for it to come in. I hate waiting! I can’t wait to set it up.
Sunday we cleaned then spent the day relaxing. We had Vince over to watch the Lions lose. The rest of the week was fairly uneventful. I spent a lot of time researching baby items for my registry from my “Baby Bargains” book. I have already registered for most everything I need at Target and Babies R Us. I know it is a bit early to register but I am such a planner, I just can’t help myself. Plus, for Christmas I just want people to get us things for the baby so in case they are early shoppers, I am all set.
Although my pants have been growing increasingly tight, they have still been wearable. Then all of a sudden on Tuesday morning, my pants didn’t fit at all. My shirt was even tight. Paul commented that evening that I instantly looked pregnant. Luckily the maternity clothes I ordered online from Old Navy arrived that day so I had stuff to wear the next day that wasn’t painful! I love the maternity pants. Elastic waistbands rock! Some of my shirts still work but I ordered some maternity shirts too. They make my belly look a little bigger than it is but I don’t care. For once, I don’t care if my stomach looks big. I want to show it off!
Thursday I had a new symptom, edema in my feet. I know that this happens due to the increased blood volume. I had a really busy day at work so I was constantly on my feet. It took until the second loosening of my shoelaces to figure out what was going on. I was just so puzzled as to why my laces kept getting tight. Needless to say, I spent that evening on the couch with my feet up. At least this time, I had a good reason. :)

News from the womb…
During this week, the baby grew rapidly, with growth setting the stage for development later in the month. Existing structures became larger and more developed but no new structures were formed. With the help of the placenta and the umbilical cord, the baby’s system operates as it will after it’s born. The baby has its own circulation, pumped by the heart, which at this stage pumps the equivalent of 25 quarts of blood a day. The placenta helps with protection, digestion, respiration, waste removal, and hormone production. These functions will be taken over by the baby’s digestive system, lungs, and kidneys after it is born. The baby and placenta are nearly equal in size but the baby will soon grow larger than the placenta. The baby is practicing the reflexes of blinking, sucking, and swallowing as well as others. The kidneys have reached their final mature position in the body.

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