Sunday, September 7, 2008

16 Weeks Along (Friday, 9/5/08)

I am four months pregnant now! One change that I have experienced this week is a super sensitive sense of smell. I can smell a skunk from about five miles away (not a desirable skill) and just about everything stinks to me. Everything tastes differently too. I have eaten a few things this week that I normally love that now taste awful. One example is the yams I had Monday that tasted like metal to me. So weird.
Saturday we took Rachel to the airport. We got there with lots of time to kill so we had breakfast at Max & Erma’s and sat around for a while at the gate. I think giving Rachel time at the airport helps her transition but it doesn’t make it any easier to let her go. I, of course, cried for a while after we put her on the plane and had to sit around waiting for her flight to leave the ground (the rule when you take an unaccompanied minor to the airport). That took up most of our day but then we decided to go antiquing as I am on a quest for a cute antique oak dresser for the nursery. We went to the Livingston Antique Outlet and found a few dressers but nothing perfect. Sunday we went to Bay City to the Bay Antique Center and Americana Antiques. We found two potential dressers but one wasn’t in good enough shape upon closer inspection and the other was in perfect shape but not exactly what I am looking for. We are keeping it in mind as a runner up, though. Monday was Labor Day which Paul spent working on finishing the trim tiles in the bathroom and I spent relaxing on the couch watching TV, researching cribs, and trying to fight off a headache (only being able to take Tylenol sucks and works about as well as taking absolutely nothing). The rest of the week was completely uneventful. We did shop for cribs at Babies R Us on Thursday and intend to do a bunch of shopping in the Novi area on Saturday. Oh, and I ordered some maternity pants online since I am down to one pair of pants and one pair of shorts that fit my expanding waistline.

News from the womb…
The baby’s head and neck have assumed more of a straight-line relationship. This may be due, in part, to the fact that the skeleton is actively ossifying. The head now appears upright and no longer rests on the chest. The ears have moved close to their final position. The baby’s toenails have begun to grow from their nail beds. The baby now measures 4.75 inches long from crown to rump and weighs 3.75 ounces.


Deborah Rysso said...

Hi Kelly,

A couple of tips on the dresser:

It will be no time at all before your little one will be able to pull the drawers out. Then they apparently use them like a ladder and scale the dresser. Make sure it's not too tippy. No sharp corners, obviously. And no glass on it.

Deborah Rysso said...

I just realized I sound exactly like my dad!