Thursday, August 21, 2008

How I found Out

I expected my period on Friday, June 13 but it never came. I was anxious and excited but I didn't want to get my hopes up as I had faced disappointment so many times before. Plus, I messed up on my meds and took 2.5 mg Femara instead of 5 mg on days 5-8 and corrected myself on day 9. I completely didn't expect this IUI to work. I was still too chicken to take the test on Saturday. Plus I thought I had cramps and/or a UTI so my hopes were not high. On Sunday (Father's Day), I finally got up my courage and peed on a stick. It was positive! I was pregnant! I was completely dumbfounded. I believe what I said to Paul was, “Oh my God, It’s positive”. What a great Father’s Day present! We spent the day cleaning the house before my parents came for Father’s Day dinner but I snuck out to the store for another test and a last minute present for my dad. When they arrived, I was taking the second (different brand) test in the bathroom and it was positive too. I kept the secret until I had my dad open his last gift which was a bib that said ‘I love Grandpa’. He looked thoroughly confused until I shouted “I’m pregnant!” My mom then burst into tears and there were a lot of hugs. I told them that it was very early and that we should keep it to ourselves for the time being. Although I wanted to shout it on the rooftops, I also wanted to confirm with my doctor that it was real.

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