Friday, August 22, 2008

6 Weeks Along (Friday, 6/27/08)

This week I visited with many friends and family. It was so hard not to tell anyone but we still want to keep the news to ourselves until we have the ultrasound and confirm that everything is okay with the baby.

Tuesday I could no longer contain myself in waiting for my 6.5 week ultrasound. I pathetically begged one of the OB nurses at Brighton for an early ultrasound but she said that I am already getting one as early as possible to see or hear anything. Darn! I was still tired this week but not as bad as last week. I attribute that to Paul and me exercising for an hour every day. I am very proud of us. Instead of eggs, I now crave Chinese food. I experienced some pain when laying down in bed and stretching to the side but then I read in one of my books that it is just round ligament pain and is normal but usually occurs in the second trimester.

News from the womb…
This week the baby’s aorta, intestines, gall bladder, stomach, pancreas, tongue, nasal pits, lymphatic system, eyes, and lungs all are beginning to form. The thyroid is still developing. The liver has formed. The top of the tube that protects the spinal cord is closing and the heart has begun to beat. Limb buds for the arms are legs are now present with the arm buds becoming more prominent and looking like flippers. The first two of three sets of kidneys have appeared but never becomes functional. The baby is now 3-5mm long and can fit on the eraser end of a standard lead pencil.

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