Friday, February 27, 2009

41 Weeks Along (Thursday, 2/27/09)

Saturday morning we got up at 6 a.m. to drop Rachel off to Dan at a McDonald’s in Ann Arbor at 7 a.m. I actually stayed up when we got home because we finally decided to acknowledge that there is something wrong with the furnace thermostat. It kept turning the furnace on, blowing out the hot air for a short period of time, then as soon as it turned off, it turned right back on again. Meanwhile, the thermostat constantly read the same temperature. This is a colossal waste of gas (and money) so we decided to buy a new thermostat. We waited until 10 a.m. to leave because we also had to stop back at the dealership to pick up the book I accidentally left there when I was paying for the car repairs. Apparently the sticker shock caused me to completely forget my book. We got the thermostat recommended by Consumer Reports. We are really impressed by it. Instead of turning on constantly, the furnace came on once, blew for an extended period of time, then didn’t come back on for another three hours. We stayed home for the rest of the day and napped through the snow storm. Sunday was less than thrilling spent cleaning the house and catching up on my shows on the DVR.
Everyone was surprised to see us at work on Monday (and Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Thursday, and Friday). I am beginning to feel like this baby will never come out. We tried everything: sex, spicy food, eating lots of basil and oregano, acupressure points, massage, exercise, etc. Nothing! Tuesday was my second fetal non-stress test and amniotic fluid check. Everything still looks great with Lily. She scored a 10/10 on her test for active arm and leg movements, adequate fluid level, and practice breathing. She is just so happy in the womb that she doesn’t want to leave. Work wasn’t too busy for us all week because they didn’t pre-book any patients on us because they didn’t expect us to be there every day.
I have been feeling well but growing increasingly uncomfortable with the cramps, pains, and constant peeing. I am really really ready for her to come out now. Every day I grow more and more frustrated that it isn’t going to ever happen, at least, not without induction. It figures that I can’t get pregnant without medical intervention and can’t get unpregnant without it either. I even gave up being pregnant for Lent but that didn’t work. Plus we don’t know what we will do if we aren’t on maternity/paternity leave when Rachel arrives and starts school. We picked the beginning of March figuring that we would both be home to be here physically and emotionally for Rachel during her transition but we can’t be home unless the baby is born. How will we get her to school and back? We really didn’t want her to start her new school as a latchkey kid already. We will know a lot more after my OB appointment tomorrow.

News from the womb…
The baby is fully cooked and just hanging out. Again, 88% of babies are born within two weeks of the expected dates of delivery, either early or late. My baby is still within that time frame.

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