Wednesday, February 18, 2009

39 Weeks Along (Friday, 2/13/09)

Saturday was such a beautiful and warm day. Paul spent the day working in the garage and I cleaned and vacuumed the accumulated winter dirt and salt out of the car. All then bending and cavorting involved are getting increasingly hard. Sunday wasn’t quite as nice but Paul continued cleaning out the garage. I worked inside for part of the day and relaxed with a book for the rest.
The rest of the week was fairly uneventful with the exception of Wednesday. Wednesday morning I had my weekly OB appointment. Again, I did not gain or lose any weight. My regular OB was on vacation this week so I saw a different doctor along with a medical student. They had a hard time finding Lily’s heartbeat which freaked me out. Apparently it is just harder to hear as she descends lower. She is still head down and the heartbeat, once they found it, is strong. This time I got a pelvic exam and was told that I am not dilated but I am 50% effaced. Sadly, this gives no indication as to when labor will begin but it is a good sign that things are apparently moving along. After work, Paul and I ran a bunch of errands. We got my prescriptions filled, returned a broken diaper pail to Target and replaced it with an unbroken one, bought Rachel’s birthday presents at Borders, got more garage supplies at Lowes, and grocery shopped at WalMart. We didn’t get home until late and were exhausted.
This week was filled with more cramping and general discomfort in my stomach. I feel like the skin is stretched as far as it possibly can go. I went the first 36 weeks of my pregnancy with no stretch marks and now they are growing by the day. It hurts when anything bumps my stomach which I continually do with car and cupboard doors as I am not used to the decreased clearance in front of me. I mostly get crampy when I am moving around and have to pee constantly. The good news is that these symptoms are making me more ready to give birth as they make having Lily inside me less enjoyable. My back isn’t bothering me and I haven’t had any edema which is good because I am on my feet all day at work. Apparently being 39 weeks pregnant elicits no sympathy from my supervisors as I seem to have a busier schedule than anyone on any given day of the week. Gee, thanks! My coworkers have been placing bets on what day I give birth so I made up a grid and posted it. Karen is shooting for Valentine’s Day. Although I don’t want to go over my due date, I signed up for 2/24. We’ll see who wins.
Since Rachel is flying in on Saturday, Paul and I decided to celebrate Valentine’s Day on Friday. We were quite tired, though, and ended up taking a 2 hour nap when we got home from work. I was actually the first one up and had to drag Paul out of bed for a change. We had a very nice dinner at Ciao Amici’s in Brighton. I love that place. I wanted to see Slumdog Millionaire afterward but Paul was too tired so we ended up going home and turning in early. How lame are we? It was still a nice evening and probably our last date night for a long while.

News from the womb…
The baby’s skin is becoming thicker and paler and its lungs are increasing their production of surfactant which will keep the air sacs in the lungs open. The baby is now gaining about ½ ounce of fat each day it stays in the uterus.

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