Friday, October 1, 2010

German Park (8/28/10)

Meghan and I tried to get a huge crew of people to come to German Park to hang out on Saturday but only a few of us ended up going. Oh well, we had a ton of fun with just Meghan, Kaitlyn, Meredith, Paul, and I. Abygail came too since Meghan's sitter fell through so the girls could only stay for a couple of hours.


Kaitlyn doesn't need a cup to drink her bucket of beer:

Gotta love the bucket:

I don't need a cup either! LOL. We are actually not that trashy (although some people were), we were just kidding around:

Paul got a lot of compliments on his shirt. One very inebriated dude seriously thought that Paul was actually born in a brewery. Drunks are hilarious:


Meghan, Meredith, and I clowning around:

Abygail catching a nap:

Pointing to one of the many hilariously dressed people we saw. The guy in the red shirt turned away so you can't see the kitty cat on his shirt but you can see his hiked up black socks. Classy:

The dance floor and festivities:

Kaitlyn, Abygail, and I:

Meghan and I being goofballs:

It was really crowded which meant superb people-watching opportunities:

Silly Kaitlyn:

Silly Meghan:

I was sad to see the mullet alive and well in Ann Arbor. I blacked out the guy’s face because even though he is clearly not embarrassed about his hairstyle, he should be:
For some reason, I stopped taking pictures after the girls left around 6pm. After that, we hung out with Paul's friend, Vince and his girlfriend. We also ran into our neighbors, Morgan and Jeff. We had a great time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was great seeing you guys there, hopefully we'll meet up there next year too!!! -morgan