Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lily's 50th Week (2/8/10 – 2/14/10)

Lily went to Kirsten’s on Monday even though Nate was home with croup. Kirsten called the night before to warn me that he was sick but I let Lily go there anyway since it was unlikely that she would get croup from him and Kirsten planned to keep the kids separated. Unfortunately for Kirsten, Keegan came home sick from school with possible strep. Kirsten had her hands full with sick kids so we both decided that it would be better to have someone else watch Lily on Tuesday. Tuesday was forecasted to have a big snowstorm starting mid-day so I didn’t want to ask my mom to come down to watch Lily for fear that she might get trapped here. I also didn’t want to have to take Lily to Auriel’s as she lives many miles out of our way which would mean extra driving in possibly dangerous conditions with Lily in the car. I was not comfortable with that. Since I was working at Brighton, Paul stayed home with Lily on Tuesday. I was jealous of Paul so he and Lily visited me during lunch. Lily charmed everyone at the Brighton Health Center with her shy smile. She was very interested in my testing room, especially the air tanks. She kept walking over to touch them.

Starting Tuesday afternoon, Lily began to have a lot of goobery sneezes and became really clingy. Obviously she didn’t feel well. Paul gave her a lot of baths which were the only thing that made her happy. When I got home from work, she looked so pitiful with bags under her sleepy eyes. She had a fever so I gave her some Tylenol. This perked her up a bit. She played for a while then crashed quite early. Unfortunately, she slept very fitfully at first and woke up crying every 15 minutes until about 1am. After 1am, she slept fairly well, thank God. I stayed up late trying to work on Valentine’s Day cards while comforting her. Paul was up late as well continually shoveling the accumulating snow. As soon as he finished the driveway, he had to start all over again!

Paul stayed home with Lily again on Wednesday. Since Lily was now sick, we decided that, even though Kirsten’s kids were feeling better, three sick kids would be a nightmare for Kirsten to handle. That was fine with Paul because Tuesday night’s snowstorm ended up being pretty big. We got around a foot of snow and the roads around us were not cleared at all so he would’ve had a treacherous drive into Ann Arbor. I took the truck to the Brighton lab and greatly appreciated the 4-wheel drive. Lily was still clingy and cried like her heart was broken when I left for work. I felt so bad but Paul said that she stopped crying once I left. She had a bunch of baths again and had quite a runny nose all day but didn’t have a fever.

Lily returned to Kirsten’s on Thursday as she was feeling much better. She had an occasional cough but was in good spirits. Kirsten’s kids were also feeling better and went back to school. It was the day of the school Valentine’s party so Lily went to the party with Kirsten. She had a lot of fun and got to eat her first sucker.

There was no school on Friday so Kirsten had a full, crazy house. At least no one was sick anymore! Paul and I had an early morning meeting at work which meant that we got out early as well. I spent the evening cleaning the upstairs. What fun!

Lily had her last AquaTots class on Saturday morning. Families were invited to attend class and even get in the water. My parents met us at class to see Lily in action. She was less splashy than usual and just wanted to play with the water toys and look at her grandma. Paul is a total water wimp so he didn’t get in the pool with us. He refuses to get in a pool or lake unless it is the temperature of bathwater and even then, he complains that he is cold. I admit that the pool water has not been very warm since our very first class. The instructor claims that it is 80 degrees every time but I find that hard to believe. It is never shockingly cold but it still takes some time to adjust to it. Poor Lily’s teeth chatter all through class. She doesn’t seem to mind and smiles the entire time nonetheless. Apparently she is less wimpy than her father! After class, my parents came over and watched Lily while Paul and I cleaned the downstairs. We visited with them while cleaning then got ready to go out on our Valentine’s Day date. My parents babysat Lily while Paul and I went to dinner at Ciao Amici’s then saw the movie ‘Valentine’s Day’. It was a very nice evening. Sunday was the actual Valentine’s Day holiday which we spent in our pajamas. I love lazy days like that.

Here are some pictures from this week.

Reiley camped out in Lily’s carseat in the living room on Monday evening. I wonder if this means she wants to go for a car ride:

Happy Lily playing with her bath toys:

Amber was sleeping curled up under the Boppy. Lily, of course, couldn’t leave her alone:

She lifted up the Boppy to say hi to Amber:

Then dropped it on the cat’s head:

Lily finished off the torture by pulling Amber's tail:

Reiley posing as bloated roadkill. This is his favorite sleeping position:

Lily and I look highly unattractive here but we were sleeping in similar positions and both had crazy hair so Paul took some pictures. How sweet of him:

Lily tried to suck on her new pacifiers while they were still in the packaging. I couldn’t stop laughing:

Watching daddy feed the birds:

Can I join you:

Reading a book with Grandma Chris on Saturday. This is noteworthy as it was the first time that she sat down and let someone read an entire book to her while paying attention the whole time. She was really into this ‘touch and feel’ book:

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