Friday, January 29, 2010

R.I.P. Beloved Betsy Beagle (1/3/10)

It has been exactly one year since cancer prematurely took the world’s sweetest dog from us. Here is a little something that Rachel wrote in tribute to her over the summer:

“Betsy’s Favorite Things

A is for the apple tree you slept under
B is for your name, Betsy
C is for your favorite snack, cheese
D is for the doctor that treated you
E is for eating, that you loved
F is for food, which you loved even more
G is for the great attitude you always gave us
H is for happiness and Higgins Lake
I is for ice cream that you liked to lick
J is for your jelly toy
K is for kindness in your heart
L is for the love you always had
M is for Michigan, where you were born
N is for night, you liked it
O is for open-minded, just like you
P is for pinto beans, which you always ate
Q is for quails, which you used to hunt
R is for rich, which you always seemed
S is for squirrels, which you liked to chase
T is for toys, which you always played
U is for understanding, which you were
V is for valuable
W is for wet
X is for xtra sweet
Y is for you
Z is for zingy and happy.

We will always remember you, forever and ever,
Love Rachel”

We miss you girl!

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