Tuesday, December 23, 2008

31 Weeks Along (Friday, 12/19/08)

Saturday was my baby shower with my friends given by my best friend Amy at my house. A lot of people didn’t end up attending due to various illnesses but we had a decent turnout and a good time. Amy really outdid herself with a beautiful ‘Welcome Baby’ sign that she drew and colored herself, a Classic Pooh themed décor, and Pooh approved snacks of honey related items. I got a lot of great gifts for the baby. I got a pooh bear bank, a diaper bag loaded with goodies, nesting baskets, pooh clothes, crib sheets, bath supplies, a bathtub, a bath seat, blankets, a gym, bibs including some handmade by my mom, a book, a calendar, a high chair, a spoon, a bowl, a dishwasher basket, sippy cups, a bottle brush, a harness, a soothing crib accessory, a bottle rack, pacifiers, a car seat cover, and lots of cute clothes. Here are some pictures from the event:

getting food under the cute sign Amy painted

the cake

the diaper cake and more

Julie, Meghan, mom, Cate, and Lois playing a game

Cate and Lois

Julie and Meghan

time to open my gifts

adorable bibs handmade by my mom

My dad came with my mom and during the shower, he and Paul put together the changing table that I had Paul get me for Christmas then went to the movies. After the shower, my parents took us out to dinner at Border Cantina to celebrate Paul’s birthday. It was quite a celebratory day.
Sunday was Paul’s actual birthday. He worked on the mural a little and took advantage of the relatively not-so-frigid weather to clean out the garage a little so he could set up his new table saw stand. I gave him his gift of a new work jacket which came in handy in the cold garage. He watched Sunday night football and helped me set up the tree then put lights on it for me. We had delayed putting up the tree until after the baby shower since it greatly decreases the usable space in the living room. I started hanging up the ornaments but Amber was so viciously enthralled with undecorating the tree that I decided to cut my losses in hopes that she would eventually grow sick of the tree as a toy. This has yet to happen.
Monday evening I had the fun pregnancy symptom of my hip pain. I could barely walk and could not bend over to save my life. We went grocery shopping and I had to have Paul get anything that required bending as I limped along leaning on the shopping cart. It took me forever to get back in the car when we were done since I couldn’t bend down. I finally had to drop into a sitting position from standing which resulted in me whacking my head on the top of the car. Not fun! It is so odd because I woke in the middle of the night with it still hurting then by morning it was magically better.
Paul worked on the mural a bit this week, not nearly as much as I wanted him to. He put countless coats of paint onto Pooh, Piglet, and Tigger then was able to shade Tigger. I finally put all of the ornaments onto the tree, concentrating on the branches that Amber can’t reach. Every day when I got home from work I had to rehang the branches and ornaments that she tore down. She should be thankful that she is such a cute cat because she is a pain in the butt sometimes. Thursday was no fun as the brakes on the car started making scary noises on the drive home which resulted in Paul having to finish cleaning out the garage, get new brake parts, and change the brakes in the garage in less than 10 degree weather until midnight. We wanted to get to bed early that night because of the huge winter storm that was forecasted to hit that night but no such luck. We got up really early and navigated the slick and snow covered roads into work on Friday without incident. The hardest part was just getting up the hill on our street. Most of our patients for the day cancelled due to the weather so it was a pretty easy day. I never found out how much snow we got but I assume it was about a foot. Tomorrow we pick up Rachel from the airport for her Christmas break with us. I am glad that she didn’t fly in today. The snow is supposed to hit New York too so hopefully things go okay tomorrow.

News from the womb…
By now, the baby may have a callous on its thumb from sucking it in the womb. The baby sits in the womb in a fetal position with the legs drawn into the chest because there isn’t room for them to straighten out. However, strong methodical movements from the baby continue to be felt. The baby’s brain is still developing rapidly, increasing the number of interconnections between individual nerve cells and identifying groups of cells that will perform complicated functions throughout its lifetime. Rapid ossification of the baby’s skeleton is taking place. The baby can now register information from all five of its senses but after birth, the sense of touch will be the most sensitive and well developed of all of them.

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