Tuesday, October 7, 2008

20 Weeks Along (Friday, 10/3/08)

I am five months along now!
Saturday we went to the Midland Antique festival on a quest for a beautiful antique oak dresser for the nursery. We found and bought one. It is a highboy with a curved front made of quarter sawn oak in perfect condition with a beautiful mirror on top. We are really happy with it. It was super hot at the fairgrounds so I pooped out pretty quickly once our mission was accomplished. I also got kind of crampy but I think it was from the heat and dehydration because once I relaxed in the air conditioning and drank lots of water, I was fine. We stopped in and visited my dad on our way out of town since he was in Midland at an American Legion convention. Then we drove down to Davison and took my mom out to dinner for her birthday. It was a busy day!
Sunday my mom came to help clean the basement some more. We spent the majority of the time sorting through Rachel’s old clothes, donating many and putting the rest in Space Bags by size in case I have a girl. My asthma did okay with the new medication which I was very grateful for.
The rest of the week was fairly unnoteworthy with the major exception of the ultrasound on Tuesday. I have already done an entry about that. The only note is that if one more person says how Paul must be sad that we are not having a boy I am going to scream. Paul says that a healthy baby is a wonderful thing, no matter the gender. Besides, biology lesson here: the sperm determines the gender. Apparently his girls are better swimmers. Anyway, we can’t wait to have a cute little girl and we sure have a lot of clothes for her already!
Thursday my parents came and set up another great shelving unit in the basement. Now we have one full wall of shelves which greatly helps with storage. The Indian food craving is waning. I only had it twice this week.

News from the womb…
The baby’s eyebrows have begun to form as well as fine scalp hair (permanent hair, not lanugo). The vernix caseosa is more noticeable. The baby now sleeps and wakes as much as a newborn does. When the baby sleeps, it characteristically settles into its favorite position. The baby is now 6.33 inches long and weights about 11 ounces. Lily was 9 inches long on Tuesday so she is obviously ahead of the curve!

1 comment:

Deborah Rysso said...

I am thrilled you are having a girl! I think it's so awesome that we're both having girls and they'll be able to play together (not that girls and boys can't play together.) Paul can teach them how to play football, just like he taught me, and we'll teach them about Sephora. It'll be fab.