Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lily's 26th Week (8/24/09 - 8/30/09)

This week we continued to feed Lily solids for dinner. Since Lily did so well with solids for both lunch and dinner on the weekend, we tried to incorporate lunch at Kirsten’s but this only worked for a few days. Then Lily got really constipated and screamed whenever she tried to have a BM. We decided to stop lunch for a while and add more breastmilk back into her diet to help regulate her system. Unfortunately, my milk supply has never quite recovered from the return of my menstruation on the 6th and I am still trying to build it back up so we had to tap into our frozen surplus again. We didn’t introduce many new foods due to her digestive problems, only prunes for obvious reasons.

Rachel and Paul’s parents returned from their South Dakota vacation on Monday and apparently had a really fun week. Rachel spent a lot of time with her cousin, Shannon. On the way back, they stopped in Ron’s hometown of Ishpeming and did some thrift store shopping. Rachel is just like her Grandpa and absolutely loved it. They also had breakfast at Buck’s which is a must-do activity in Ishpeming. Rachel spent the rest of the week with her grandparents at their home in Lovells.

I will tell most of the story of our week through the pictures.

Here is Lily on Monday morning, not quite ready to wake up:

Lily expresses great interest in cups so we gave her some water in her ‘Lily’ sippy cup on Monday evening. The cup was a gift from my parents. She did really well with it without us even showing her how to use it. The only problem was that she kept holding it upside down which made it leak all over her shirt and Paul’s lap:

We took off Lily’s wet shirt then took her for a walk around the yard to look at the flowers. She absolutely loves being outside and it always calms her down if she is fussy or upset. She loved the sunflowers:

On Wednesday evening, Paul was cleaning the garage so Lily and I hung out for a while then decided to do some shopping at Meijer together. After I brushed her hair, she decided that the brush made a good teether:

What do you mean this isn’t a toy?

We usually put Lily in shopping carts in her carseat but since she only likes to sit up and loves to look around at everything, I brought her KozyPals shopping cart cover to use. I had this custom made for her while I was pregnant so I have been hanging onto it for quite a while. She looked so cute in it and absolutely loved to sit up in the cart and look all around the store. I attached a Lobster toy for her to play with that I bought while we were shopping since it matched the ocean theme so well:

When we picked Lily up from Kirsten’s on Thursday, she was taking a nap. When she falls asleep, she likes to rub a blanket over her face and head. Well, she did this with wet hair so when she woke up when we got there, her hair was sticking straight up in the air! Her hair looked very much like her Daddy’s which sticks up naturally. I had to get pictures of them together:

My mom cleaned the house that day so she also got to appreciate Lily’s hair. When we were at Meijer, I bought some Munchkin Fresh Food Feeders which are these little things with a mesh bag that you put food in. It has a lid that snaps shut and a handle so the baby can chew on the food in the bag and only get small digestible pieces through it without any choking risk. She used it at Kirsten’s house today and loved eating grapes through it so we decided to use it at dinner to keep her entertained while we ate. She absolutely loved it. She had mixed fruit and just sucked on it noisily throughout our meal:

After dinner, Lily was covered in fruit juice and still had crazy hair so she got a bath. Then she got tired so she fell asleep on my mom next to a sleeping Reiley:

On Friday night, we drove to Lansing to pick up Rachel from Paul's sister Debbie. She was in town for her brother-in-law's wedding. Paul's parents were babysitting her son, Jack, so she exchanged him for Rachel and brought Rachel with her down to Lansing for the rehearsal dinner. This was very helpful so we didn't have to drive all the way up to Lovells to pick up Rachel. It took us forever to get to Lansing thanks to road construction. We drove 3 miles in 30 minutes at one point which was just so much fun. Then when we finally got to Lansing, every street around Troppo was closed and the only ones that were open were one ways that went the opposite direction that we wanted to go. It was so frustrating! Luckily Lily slept through the entire ordeal. She woke up when we finally got to the restaurant and was so excited to see her sister. She couldn't stop smiling and laughing at her. On our way out of town, we decided to stop at Georgio's Pizza in East Lansing for a quick bite to eat. In my college days, this was my favorite place to eat after the bars closed. It was odd being there ten years later with a husband and two kids but the potato pizza and spinach pie were just as good as I remembered. Lily kept trying to get Paul's slice away from him:

Lily got us up pretty early on Saturday morning. I think her stomach was bothering her. We had an appointment to get her six month pictures taken at noon but she fell asleep right when we were getting ready to leave. We called them and luckily were able to push our appointment to 2pm so Lily could be well rested and happy for her pictures. She did really well, especially considering how constipated she was, and we got a lot of really cute pictures which I will post later. She finally ended her four days of constipation later that afternoon and was in a much better mood for the rest of the weekend.
My girl in her pretty pink dress feeling much better after a major 'Code Brown' which is what we yell when we need reinforcements during a particularly nasty diaper change:

Lily and Rachel playing together on Sunday morning:

We made a big pot roast on Sunday and had my parents over for dinner so they could see Lily's pictures and take which ones they wanted. It was a nice and relaxing end to the week.

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