Monday was Valentine’s Day. Paul and I were too busy to go out together last weekend so we decided just to take Lily with us to someplace she would enjoy on the actual holiday. We ended up having a non-romantic but fun Valentine’s dinner at Red Robin. A little while after we got home, Lily gave me quite a scare. We were in the living room and she said, “Go take baff,” then opened the gate all by herself and started climbing the stairs. I had to run over and help her because she is not coordinated enough to climb up stairs on her own. Despite being uncoordinated, she is fast as lightening and was halfway up by the time I got to her. Apparently she really wanted that bath! I was worried that she had mastered the gate system since she opened it so effortlessly (my little King Kong has opened it a few times before by shaking it super hard) but thankfully that was apparently a fluke as she has not opened it since.
Lily’s interest in potty training continues although we have yet to have any success. At least she is sitting on it for a little longer now (maybe a whole 20 seconds as opposed to 2). On Friday, she sat on the potty for quite a while but then got off of it, squatted on the floor in front of it, and instantly peed all over the floor. Ugh! Close, but not quite! She loves her frog potty in the downstairs bathroom but finds it very fun and therefore, doesn’t linger on it very long. Paul put Rachel’s old potty upstairs which she finds very interesting because she loves anything associated with her big sister. I have more success getting her to sit on that potty.
Lily is really into playing with stuffed animals now, especially Beanie Babies. It’s funny because she insists that she have two of every animal- a mama and a baby. She is really into identifying emotions now. She frequently plays that the baby animals are crying for their mamas. She brought her stuffed penguin to me once for comforting because it was crying so we both hugged and kissed it. I try to ask her why her animals are sad but she never answers. I wondered if she could elaborate on or fully understand their emotions and therefore hers but she is too young for that.
I had a very productive weekend doing spring cleaning. On Thursday, I cleaned the upstairs, including behind and under all of the furniture and steam cleaned the carpets. In addition, I went through all of the rooms and got rid of items we no longer need or want. I continued with the downstairs on Saturday doing the same thing. My mom came over that day to help watch Lily so Paul could get a few things done as well. I then went through our closet and got rid of 8 bags of clothes, 1 bag of shoes, and 2 boxes worth of other random items. I am sure that most of Rachel’s clothes are outgrown as well but I will wait until she comes home for the summer to confirm and I am all up to date with sorting through Lily’s outgrown clothes. Now our house is very clean and organized and, therefore, I am very happy (and tired)!
On Sunday, we had an unexpected snowfall that way outdid last weeks’ ‘Snowmagedon’. I went to Mary’s house to get my hair cut and colored then we went to Sagebrush Cantina for dinner. Even though I vowed never to go there again after our horrible experience, I am glad to report that I had good food and no one forgot to seat us and then lied about it. The roads were slippery on our way there and absolutely horrible on our way back. My drive home took more than twice as long as my drive there and I was white knuckling it the entire time. I am not looking forward to heading out to work on Monday morning!
Here are some pictures from this week.
Lily and I were pretty in pink at Red Robin on Valentine’s Day. We tried hard to get a picture where she was actually looking at the camera but, as you can see, she did not comply:
Flirting with the people in the booth behind us:
Lily enjoyed eating the whipped cream off of mama’s malt:
Kind of a see-food shot but you can see that Lily really liked her burger:
Trying to eat the giant burger without having to pick it up:
We gave Lily Dora stickers as a part of her Valentine’s Day present. This is what she chose to do with them:
How many bracelets can I get on my arm at one time?:
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