Now that I no longer work at the PFT lab, Paul has taken my Brighton rotation. He is only going out there once a month, though. He worked there on Monday through Wednesday of this week so it was me who got to solo with Lily’s drop-offs and pick-ups while he got to sleep in and had time to run errands after work. Tammy was off on Friday so my dad came and watched Lily. She greatly enjoyed spending the day with her beloved papi. My mom had plans early in the day but came later in the afternoon to spend some time with Lily and we all had dinner together when Paul and I got home from work.
This weekend was super cold so we didn’t venture out of the house much. I am beginning to go a bit stir-crazy being homebound every weekend so I did get out and run some very unexciting but necessary errands on Saturday. That was a miserable experience! It was so cold and windy and as soon as my car was no longer painfully cold, I had arrived at my next location and lost all of the heat as soon as I opened the door to get out.
Lily’s sleep habits at night continue to be horrible and she continues to wake up at 2am and tries to stay awake for hours. We found out last week that she is sleeping excessively at daycare so we made Tammy put a limit on her naps this week. Lily only takes one 2 hour nap for us but at daycare, she has been taking two naps totaling over 4 hours. I know that she gets up later when she is home with us so that makes up for some of the extra sleep she needs at daycare but I think she was getting her days and nights turned around a bit so for this week, we had Tammy limit her to just one nap of 2.5 hours. It worked great on Monday night. She came home a bit sleepy but we were able to keep her up until her bedtime and she actually slept through the night which she has only done a handful of times. I thought that maybe we had finally fixed the problem but she only slept through the night that one time. The rest of the week, she still woke up frequently but at least fell back to sleep fairly quickly. Tammy said she got pretty sleepy a few afternoons at daycare so they had to leap around to keep her awake. She fell asleep twice on the drive home from daycare but only when we were about 5 minutes from our house so she woke back up quickly and in a good mood.
The ‘My Toddler This Week’ email that I got from addressed a fairly new issue in our house- whining.
“When your toddler whines for something, you may feel like caving in just to hush that grating voice. But it's best to hold your ground. If you can show your toddler that whining won't get him anywhere, he's more likely to give it up and try other ways of communicating. Where to start? When you hear your child whining, gently point it out to him and ask him to use his regular voice. Toddlers don't always know what whining is, and they may not be able to hear it in their own voice. “
I definitely am guilty of giving her what she wants to stop the whining as quickly as possible. Until I read the article, I wasn’t even aware that I was doing it. Sometimes she gets such an urgency in her voice when she is freaking out about wanting something like her JUICE CUP that I feel her stress and want it quickly too. I am now trying to stop myself, discourage the whining, and teach her patience.
In my previous post, I talked about Lily’s mispronunciations. In addition to those, there are a few things that she adorably calls by different names. For example, all ducks are called “quack-quacks” and donkeys are called “hee-haws”. At her Pooh table, she has a Pooh chair and an Eeyore chair. She calls them her Pooh chair and her hee-haw chair. No matter what’s in her sippy cup, Lily always calls it a “juice cup”. She also doesn’t quite get who ‘you’ is. When I show her a picture and I say, “That’s you,” then later ask who is in the picture, she says, “You”. She frequently likes to stand on furniture and leap off it at you declaring happily, “I catch you!” Many times she comes up to me, arms stretched up, saying, “I pick you up.” She doesn’t really appreciate my hilarious answer of, “Okay, but good luck!”
For the first time in 99 weeks, I went 7 days without taking a single picture of Lily! I can’t believe it. Even when things are uneventful, I tend to take 30-100 pictures per week. Crazy! All I have is that one video I posted. Sorry!
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