Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Davison Pumpkin Fest (10/9/10)

We arrived at my parents’ house around 3pm, put Lily in her spider costume, plopped her in my old wagon, and walked downtown to the Davison Pumpkin Fest.

Here is Lily looking very cool on her wagon ride:

There was a lot to see and do so we regretted getting there so late as the festival ended at 5pm. Those two hours flew by. The first thing we encountered was a train ride which, of course, got Lily very excited. There was a very long line for the train though, so my dad held a spot for us as we began exploring the festival. Right past the train ride was a petting zoo. Lily enjoyed wandering around and looking at all of the animals. She loved petting this super soft rabbit:

And, of course, baaing at the sheep was a lot of fun:

Surprisingly, the turkeys interested her the most:

Happily exploring the festival with grandma:

There were rides and games for kids but nothing that Lily was old enough for. She really wanted to jump in the bounce houses so we were thrilled to find this little bouncer for toddlers. She could jump around in it without fear of bouncing off of anyone or getting hurt. She had a ton of fun and quickly made a game out of bouncing onto her butt and back up again. She was very reluctant to get out when another little girl wanted to take a turn:

We then explored the merchant area where Lily enjoyed petting this stuffed dog:

Then my dad called to tell us that he was near the front of the line for the train ride so we hurried back. We didn’t make it onto the train that was loading up when we got there so we had to wait for that group to finish their ride. Here we are waiting in line as the train pulled up for us to take our turn:

Lily and I on board and ready to go:

Lily was so excited when the train started to move:

She was squealing so loud with delight that the little girl in front of us turned to stare:

Lily greatly enjoyed her ride:

Lily was sad that the ride was over but was quickly cheered up by this giant Saint Bernard:

She was especially happy when we let her go back in the bouncer:

Next, my mom, Lily, and I went on a hay ride:

Lily was scanning the crowd for daddy and papi upon our return:

Exploring more of the festival with papi:

Further down Main Street, Lily amazingly recognized this pet shop from almost two months ago and ran up to the window to see the cats inside. She had been cranky at my dad’s birthday dinner downtown way back in August so my mom took her for a walk outside where they discovered two cats in the shop window. I can’t believe that she remembered them and instantly recognized the shop! Especially considering that we came at it from a different direction and the shop looks different due to the addition of fall decorations:

She finally found the kitties way in the back and brought grandma over to show her:

The festivities ended so we headed back to my parents’ house where I got some adorable pictures of Lily on my parents’ porch posing with their fall decorations and some gerbera daisies that she picked from the flower bed:

Lily then started gathering the gourds and brought them over to the Adirondack chair to line up on its arms:

Counting the gourds:

She loved the chair but kept slipping down in it:

We then got Lily out of her adorable spider costume (I hated to see it go) and headed over to John’s Pizzeria for dinner. Lily loved her pizza but ate it in a very unusual way as she was really only interested in the cheese:


It was such a gorgeous day and we had a lot of fun. We headed home shortly after dinner as we have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow as well.

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