At 5am on Wednesday morning, I woke up to the frightening sound of Lily quietly choking on her own vomit. I was so scared and incredibly glad that she was in bed with me as I might not have heard her choking in the other room. Luckily most of it got on my arm and her blanket so I cleaned us up and she fell right back to sleep. She acted fine in the morning so we gave her a bath and a little breakfast and figured the upchucking was a fluke and a possible reaction to overeating the night before. Unfortunately, on our way out the door, Lily threw up all over me again. It scared her so she started crying. I felt bad for her as she has never been sick like this before and rarely even spit up as a baby. I called in to work to let them know that I would not be able to come in then drove Paul to the hospital as he was running critically late by the time we got ourselves cleaned up. I also called Kirsten to let her know what was going on. She and Nate were sad. I was sad too, not only because my baby was sick but also because I knew that she really would have enjoyed spending the day with Kirsten. Lily didn’t throw up again all day but was very clingy and a bit tearful. She kept going over to her highchair and pulling on it (her way of telling us that she is hungry) but then she would cry and refuse to eat when I put her in there with food in front of her. Obviously, her tummy was still upset. Mostly she just nursed all day. She still wanted to play for most of the day and had fun when we picked up Paul after work. We got there a bit early so we got out of the car so that she could watch all of the cars and buses go by (she loves to wave at cars). She was thrilled to see the Survival Flight helicopter land and kept pointing to it excitedly. Meanwhile, my dad had his hernia repair surgery that day in Flint. The surgery went well but the hernia was a lot bigger than they expected and was difficult to repair laproscopically. Hopefully the two meshes they used will hold, otherwise he will need another more extensive surgery later on.
I hoped that Lily was over being sick but I woke up at 3am on Thursday with her puking all over me yet again. My poor little girl was crying really hard and both of us had to get cleaned up before returning to bed. Needless to say, I stayed home with her again (and washed all of our pukey laundry). Unlike Wednesday, she was very sleepy and lethargic all day. She tried to play a little bit but she tends to be clumsy when she is tired so she kept tripping and falling then crying even though she was not hurt. Mostly she wanted to sleep in my arms or just be held. She didn't throw up again but had a lot of diarrhea all day. I worried about her getting dehydrated, especially since she was acting lethargic but she drank a lot of water and had a normal amount of wet diapers. By the late afternoon, she was finally hungry enough to eat instead of nurse and was perky enough to want to climb the stairs all by herself for the first time to get a diaper change. The parts to repair the lawnmower were finally in (it took 7 days instead of the 4 they promised) so Paul picked them up on his way home from work.
Lily was well enough to attend daycare on Friday but she cried at drop-off for the first time in quite a while. It was probably because she was used to having me home with her for the past two days and she wasn’t feeling 100% better yet. She tends to be very clingy to her mama when she is not feeling well or is tired. After work, we stopped at Alexander’s Nursery to get some plants and herbs. Lily really liked walking around the nursery and carried around a marigold one of the workers gave her the entire time. They have a few farm animals there so Lily was fascinated to see the cow, donkey, and goats. She kept pointing at them and laughed every time the goats bleated.
I had my last overtime shift in the Blood Gas Lab on Saturday afternoon. My parents came over to watch Lily so that Paul could finally fix and repaint the lawnmower. He started his repairs on Friday night which was a good thing because he found that he needed a few more parts that were thankfully in stock. My dad is unable to do any lifting for 4 weeks and was still fresh from surgery but was in a good mood and sat outside with Paul and visited with him while he repaired the lawnmower. It took until almost dark to finally get everything done. Meanwhile, my mom and Lily played outside on the patio quite a bit. Lily is very interested in steps and knows how to climb up them on her hands and knees so my mom taught her how to scoot back down them on her butt. My mom made a wonderful lasagna dinner and my parents stayed until about 10 that evening to allow Paul time to clean up the garage and himself after repairing the mower. I am very grateful for all of their help during my extra weekend shifts. Their assistance allowed me to earn some extra cash while allowing Paul to get important things done around the house.
Since I didn’t get home until around 1am, Paul let me sleep in a bit on Sunday morning. We played outside with Lily in the morning then headed to Kensington Metropark for a walk in the afternoon. Lily loves her jeep stroller and tolerated the first half of our 4 mile walk quite well. There was a playground and a beach at our turn around point so we let Lily get out to swing and play on the slide for a bit. She wanted to play for longer but there were a ton of kids there and it was really hectic so we feared that she would get knocked over and injured. She was very fussy and didn’t want to stay in the stroller on the way back but it turned out that she was just tired. As soon as I put her blankie in the stroller with her, she snuggled up to it and fell right to sleep. She woke up for just a moment when I transferred her from the stroller to her carseat. She didn’t wake up at all when we brought the carseat inside the house so I placed it on the floor and took a nap on the couch beside her as all of the fresh air had tired me out as well. Paul planted most of the stuff that we got from the nursery then we had dinner and all went to bed early.
Lily is really enjoying the longer days and warm weather as her favorite place to be is outdoors. She spent a lot of time this weekend kicking and throwing her ball around the yard. She is very good at it. She absolutely loves geese and airplanes in the sky. Whenever she hears either of them, she points up at the sky and talks excitedly. Sometimes she says “bud” for bird or “apay” for airplane but usually it is just incoherent babble. She also gets excited if she sees bugs and calls every insect a “bee”. This generalization is very normal for her age. She must have exceptional hearing because she can hear an airplane going over that I tune out until she points it out to me and I consider myself to have really good ears. Her favorite time to be outside is right before bedtime. Between 8 and 8:30pm, several groups of geese fly over our house, heading from the river to wherever it is that they sleep for the night. She loves to hear them honk, the louder the better, and points at them until they are out of sight.
Lily must be getting taller as she can now pull stuff off of the kitchen counter. We have to be careful what we put up there and not leave anything breakable or sharp too close to the edge. One new behavior this week is that she likes to stash her favorite toys in the seat of her princess car. She put a few magnets, her bee, and our phone in there one day. Luckily I saw her put the phone in there or I would have been confused as to where it went. Last week, I had to use the pager button to locate it and found that she had put it in her toybox. Silly girl! She does love to play with the phone so apparently it only made sense to her to put it with her other toys. This week I also found a makeup brush that she stole from me in her toybox. At least she puts stuff away, even if it’s not where she got it from!
Here are some pictures from this week.
Lily two-fisting her sippy cups on Tuesday evening. Should I be worried for her college days?:
My adorably happy little girl hamming it up on Wednesday afternoon. Even though she spent the morning throwing up, you just can't keep the girl's mood down:
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