Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lily's 47th Week (1/18/10 – 1/24/10)

Monday was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day so Rachel didn’t have school. Kirsten and her family spent a long weekend at their lake house so we took both girls to Auriel’s for the day. When we got home, we discovered that Rachel had made another mess with paint on the basement furniture. Paul made her clean it up then we gave Lily a bath. While we were bathing Lily, Paul got a phone call from his ex-wife saying that Rachel had just called her and announced that she wanted to go live with her, effective immediately. We thought that it was just a knee-jerk reaction to getting in trouble but Rachel did not seem upset. As the week wore on, she remained solid in her decision, even calling her mom on Wednesday to see if she could come pick her up this weekend. Lisa is more than willing to take her as she already wanted Rachel to attend school in South Carolina next year but we are all confused about Rachel’s need to leave immediately. Rachel was not forthcoming about her reasons but seemed very reluctant to attend school for the rest of the week. Paul and I realized that there was nothing we could do to stop her from going and would just meet with opposition and resentment if we tried. However, we did veto her leaving this weekend as we need some time to wrap our heads around everything, get her withdrawn from school, and say our goodbyes. Both Rachel and Lisa want the transition to happen as soon as possible so Rachel will be leaving us next Sunday. Obviously, this is severely disruptive to her education and we are sad to see her leave behind her friends, her orchestra, and her close relationship with her baby sister. We have really enjoyed having her around so much and cherish this past year with her. We feel like we are losing her even though we will just be returning to our previous custody schedule of having her on holidays and during the summer. Needless to say, Paul and I had a sad and stressful week.

On a lighter note, Lily has been vocalizing a lot this week. A lot of it is just babble but it is adorable nonetheless. When she plays, she babbles nonstop to herself in a low voice. I really wonder what she is talking about. Much to Kirsten’s husband’s delight, Lily started saying “Pat” this week. Lily asked Kirsten about a mug which Kirsten told her belonged to Pat then Lily started saying “Pat”. She even said it for him on the phone. She is also waving ‘hi’ and ‘bye’ a lot more. She is so sweet and frequently wants to share her food with us. This week she discovered a love for peanut butter (yeah, she’s not allergic) and crackers, especially Chicken in-a-Biskit. She is quite a whipper, always throwing her sippy cup on the ground when she is done with it. She cracks me up when she is eating because if we put something better out for her or she decides that she wants to take a drink, instead of finishing what is in her mouth, she just spits it right out. She does have a bit of a temper when she wants something that we won’t give her or wants out of her highchair immediately. However, she doesn’t seem to have a temper or get frustrated when trying new things like learning to crawl or walk.

Paul accompanied Lily and me to AquaTots again on Saturday. Rachel is never interested in coming since she isn’t allowed to swim during lessons. Lily fell asleep again on the ride there so we brought her inside in her carseat. She didn’t wake up even though it was quite noisy in the pool area with all of the lessons that were going on. When class was almost ready to start, I finally got her out of the carseat and stripped her down. Lily was still very reluctant to wake up but once she opened her eyes and saw where she was, she was instantly wide-awake and excited to get in the pool. The new skill that she learned was going underwater! The instructor taught us to either blow in the kids’ faces right before putting them under so they hold their breath or put them under and scoop them toward us as the rush of water in their face will keep them from inhaling. I did it wrong the first time and Lily coughed on a bit of water but we did it perfectly the second time. Some kids hated it but Lily did just fine. The instructor recommended not trying it more than three times so Lily and I only did it once and Paul caught our second attempt on camera.

On Sunday, we all accompanied Rachel to the Ann Arbor Ice Cube where she went ice skating. She had a lot of fun but spent most of the time clinging to the wall. After skating, Rachel spent a long time watching some professional skaters practice their routines then declared that she wants to be a professional skater when she grows up. We all had hot chocolate then left to go grocery shopping. Lily is so funny at the grocery store because she finds everything so interesting to look at. She especially loves the toy aisle. She reaches towards the toys as hard as she can, desperate to get her hands on them. We frequently hand her a toy to keep her entertained then "lose" it at check-out. She is especially cute with stuffed animals because as soon as you hand one to her, she gives it a hug. She will do this with each one you hand her then point at another. This game can go on indefinitely.

Here are some pictures from this week.

Lily loves to play with the magnetic key for the safety locks in the living room. Here she is with it in her mouth on Tuesday evening:

She loves this toucan from her play-yard:

Crawling around the kitchen with it in her mouth:

Ooh, maybe this cat toy would taste better:

Back to crawling (we took the cat toy away from her):

Lily playing with Reiley. Reiley was tolerant but less than pleased as Lily hasn’t yet learned to be gentle with the cats:

To borrow a line from Prince- “She wore a raspberry beret…”:

“…The kind you find at a second-hand store…”:

“…A raspberry beret…”:

“…And if it was warm s(he) wouldn’t wear much more.” Meow:

Cuddling with mommy on Wednesday night, it’s almost bedtime:

Rachel didn’t want to wake up on Thursday morning so we brought Lily in to help with the task. She, too, decided that sleep sounded good so she cuddled right up on her big sister:

Laying around on her blankie on Thursday morning, chewing on a plastic bee:

Hopefully she doesn't think that she can put real bees in her mouth, too:
Peering through the cat door on Thursday evening:
Petting Reiley through the door:
Rolling around the kitchen on her car:

Paul showed Rachel how to play his electric guitar. With her voilin experience, she is already better than him. Here she is practicing in the basement:

Lily was so excited to get in the pool at AquaTots on Saturday:
I love her belly:
My super happy little girl:
Practicing jumping in the water:
Lily loved the basketball:
Everybody jumping in:
Lily underwater:
Me and my little swimmer:
Me showing Lily how to shoot hoops with the basketball:
She thought that it was delightful, especially when the basketball splashed back down in the pool:
Lily and Rachel chillin in their purple pjs:
Pretending that they are somewhere tropical:
Lily eating a peanut butter sandwich:

Sleepy Lily laying down on my legs. So cute:
Paul made pancakes for breakfast on Sunday. Lily loved her tiny baby pancakes:
Brushing her teeth after bath time:

Lily loved watching Rachel skate around at the Ann Arbor Ice Cube and pressed her face against the glass to see better:
I love her matching sweater and hat:
Rachel, our skating star:
Holding onto the wall for security:
Lily got a little messy during dinner on Sunday:

We removed her messy sweater and fed her some Chicken-in-a-Biskit crackers. She loves them:

Paul took Lily up for a diaper change and forgot to snap her onesie back up before putting her pants on. When I pointed out the problem, his "solution" was to snap the onesie over her pants. She looked so goofy:

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