Tuesday was a big day as it was Rachel’s first day of 6th grade. I had to work at the Brighton Health Center which meant that I needed to leave before Rachel’s bus arrived but Paul stayed with her at the bus stop to make sure that she got off to school okay. It was a half day of school so my mom came that day to clean the house so that Rachel wouldn’t be alone all afternoon. My dad didn’t come because he had American Legion meetings all day. Everything went well for Rachel at school. She really liked her teachers and was excited about orchestra. My mom made a wonderful dinner for all of us when we got home. Tuesday was also my co-worker, Kim’s, last day of work but unfortunately it was impossible for us to make it to her farewell dinner. We will miss working with her and wish her the best of luck at PA school.
The rest of the week was spent settling back into our school-year routine. I helped Rachel organize and label folders in her trapper-keeper for schoolwork in hopes that this year she will be better about not losing homework and will get better grades as a result. Originally, Rachel was nervous as she only knew one girl in her class this year but by the end of the week, she had already made a number of new friends including a girl who lives just down the road. In addition, she still gets to see her two good friends from 5th grade during lunch. The orchestra teacher collected all of the students’ instruments on Wednesday to put tape marks on them to help teach the notes. They got them back on Friday and Rachel learned her first song in class that day. It was ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’. When we got home, she played the song for all of us. Lily loved it and clapped at the performance and rocked to the music. She just started clapping this week but that was the first time she ‘danced’ to music. It was her way of showing how much she loved the performance and the performer. I will post a video of the event on my next blog entry. Afterward, we had movie night. I love the $1 Red Box movie rental machine at Kroger. It is so convenient. Unfortunately, Rachel was so exhausted from the week that she couldn’t make it through the movie so we had to finish it on Saturday afternoon.
The weekend was a bit difficult for me. First of all, I never got out of the house so I was going a little stir-crazy by Sunday night. Plus it was that time of the month and it was a rough one. I worry what it will do to my milk supply since last month’s severely diminished it. As it is now, I no longer have a surplus and am barely able to keep up with demand. Paul got to get out of the house on Saturday night as his friend, Chris, was in town from the Upper Peninsula. Paul met up with Chris, Pat, and Auriel for drinks at the Arbor Brewing Company and got home pretty late. On Sunday, Lily was fussy and demanding so I was barely able to put her down all day. I was in my pajamas almost all day and had to endure her crying whenever I had to set her down for such frivolous activities as going to the bathroom. Paul went over to Kirsten’s house to watch the Lion’s game with her husband, Pat. I never got a chance to shower or get ready but I did finally get dressed when my dad called to say that he was on his way over. He had an American Legion meeting in Pinckney so he stopped over afterward to visit and drop off 3 totes of clothing from Roni. Roni is the daughter of my mom’s good friend, Linda. It was quite generous of her to give me her girls’ outgrown clothes. I really appreciate it. Lily usually loves my dad but she was even fussy for him and his friend, Bernie. She had three big diaper blowouts later that evening then finally was in a better mood. Poor thing must have been having GI pain all day. What made the weekend worth it for me was that Lily learned to make the “ma-ma” sound. She does it with her tongue sticking out which is so darn cute. We got it on video so I will post it later. Her repertoire of sounds now includes ma, da, la, ba, and an occasional ga.
Here are some pictures from this week:
Lily entertained herself on my bed Monday morning with some toys and a big pot and plastic hammer to beat together. The girl is so strong that she kept picking the pot up and chewing on it. Here she is playing:
I found ‘Red Frog’ in her toy box which was Rachel’s very favorite teether 11 years ago. Lily loves it too. It has a great texture and is easy for her to hold. She can gnaw on its head, hands, or feet (you can see what it looks like better in the previous three pictures):
My happy baby Monday night at my parents’ house in her adorable frog pajamas:
Lily cuddling with Grandma Chris on Tuesday evening and playing with her favorite toys which are Red Frog, her ball, and Mr. Moo:
I spiked Lily’s hair for fun. It looks like she is saying, “Seriously!?”:
Lily drinking water out of a cup at Kirsten’s on Wednesday. She loves it:
My adorable girl woke up quite happy on Thursday morning, still wearing the previous day’s clothes:
This week Lily discovered that she could pull herself up holding onto her swing. She can’t get a good enough grip to do it on a table but can get a good grip around the swing bars and easily pull up. She stands on her own for a little bit then leans back on whoever is spotting her from behind then goes back to standing after a short rest. She is so darn strong:
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