Friday, May 29, 2009

Memorial Day Fun (5/25/09)

I have so many pictures from Memorial Day that I decided to do a separate post just for them. We got up really early on Monday to drive to Davison for the Memorial Day parade. My dad is in the American Legion so he marched in the parade. After the parade, they have a speech at the city hall which was wonderful. Then we went to the American Legion post for hot dogs with my parents. Lily wore her very patriotic outfit given to her by Sonja. She was a huge hit!

Lily in her American flag outfit with me:

Lily at the parade:

Paul, Lily, me, and Rachel watching the parade:

Lily with my mom in her adorable outfit:

watching the parade:

Lily and her chubby arms:

The Davison American Legion members (my dad is in the front):

Lily with Papi Tim:

After our lunch, we drove up to Millington to the Fredrick's lake house. Kirsten (Lily's sitter) and her family had very kindly invited us for a visit and since we were close, we decided to take them up on their offer. They took us for a ride around the lake on their pontoon boat, the kids swam and fished, and then we had dinner. We had a great time.

Rachel and the kids caught some baby bunnies:

Lily and I on the pontoon boat:

Keegan (Kirsten's daughter), Gabby, and Rachel on the boat:

Nate (Kirsten's son), one of the neighbor kids, and Patrick (Kirsten's husband):

Gangstas Nate and Patrick:

Lily and I again:

the kids and Patrick:

Rachel, Nate, another neighbor kid, and Keegan eating dinner:

Lily with Kirsten and her puppy Gidget:

After dinner, we drove back to my parents' house and visited with them for a while. Then on our way out of town, we stopped at my Grandma's house to see how she was doing after her accident. She was a little sore but feeling pretty good, just going a little stir crazy without wheels! Lily got a bit fussy in the evening. I don't know if it was stomach issues from my ice cream yesterday or just overstimulation from such a busy day. She developed the sniffles today, too, so that doesn't help.

Rachel and Lily at my parents' house:

Paul and my dad sharpened the mower blades and used some hilarious old safety glasses that my dad found in his toolbox. Rachel and Paul then had a lot of fun posing in the glasses:

Geeks pretending to be geeks:

You're the bigger nerd. No, you are:

We didn't get home until 10:30 and were exhausted but it was a great day.

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