Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The mural is done!

As of Sunday, the mural is finally done and the nursery is ready for Lily. Yeah!

The left side of the mural wall which is Pooh's house-

The center of the mural which is the classic Pooh characters looking up at butterflies in the sky-

The right side of the mural which spills over onto the adjacent wall and includes a tree, a box turtle, more butterflies, a beehive, bees, and lots of flowers-

Pooh's front door close up-

The Pooh characters and butterflies close up-

The box turtle and flowers under the tree close up-

The beehive and some bees close up-

The flowers and butterflies on the adjacent wall close up-

The left side of the mural-

The middle of the mural-

The right side of the mural-

The mural and nursery furniture as you walk into the room-

The crib and pooh curtains on the window-

The wall opposite the mural-

We love the mural and can't wait to share it with Lily.

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