Wednesday, March 9, 2011

1Y50W: Frankenbangs AGAIN (2/7/11 - 2/13/11)

I took Lily to Great Clips to get her bangs trimmed so she would look good for her upcoming 2 year pictures and the same woman that gave Lily the Frankenbangs back in November butchered them even worse! I gave her the benefit of the doubt last time because Lily was looking down at my iPod but this time she sat perfectly still looking straight forward and the woman completely cut Lily’s bangs off! I asked for a trim- not a removal. She looks so horrible! I cried the whole way home then emailed Christina that we will have to postpone Lily’s photo session by at least a month considering how slowly her hair grows back. I am beyond upset and I will never take her back there again. The other stylists there do a good job but that one lady sucks and since you don’t get to pick your stylist and I am not all about causing a scene, it’s better to just avoid the place altogether. Mary does my hair and Lily really likes her so she will also be Lily’s stylist from now on!

On Friday, Lily finally developed an interest in potty training. I always tell her when I am going to the bathroom and invite her to come with me and sit on her potty but she usually refuses. She finally decided that she did want to sit on her potty but unfortunately, every time she sat she insisted that I remove her pants, shoes, and socks along with her diaper. After all that, she would only sit for about a millisecond then I would have to spend forever wrestling everything back on. Ugh! I tried to convince her to just keep her shoes on and have her pants around her ankles like mama but she freaked out and insisted they come off. I didn’t want to interfere with her interest in the potty so I reluctantly complied. Paul stayed out after work and had burgers and beer with some friends so I had Lily in her sleeper before he came home. She wanted to use the potty again which required a full strip down due to the one-piece sleeper. I was trying to do my own business so I was powerless to stop her when she jumped up from the potty moments after sitting down. Paul arrived home just then to find Lily streaking naked through the house which was a hilarious sight.

Saturday was Ally’s 5th birthday party. We had a lot of fun and Lily had a blast playing with Ally’s toys and balloons. She played with Ally a bit but most of the kids were older than her and played rougher than her so she wasn’t able to participate much. She is definitely more interested in playing with other kids, though, as now she and Jack (the only other full-time kid at daycare who is almost exactly a year older than Lily) are suddenly BFFs. They used to play together side-by-side but now they are best buds and do everything together. Jack squeals with excitement when “baby” arrives in the morning and then every afternoon when Jack’s mom picks him up, Lily gives him a hug and kiss goodbye. They are adorable together!

Here are some pictures from this week.

Lily wearing her Dora pajama bottoms in an unconventional way:

Lily put her shoes on her stuffed kitty and then had the kitty cuddle with sleepy Reiley:

I have something on my head, you say?:

Don't judge me:

Paul and Lily looking at birds in the backyard:

While the older kids played games at Ally's birthday party, Lily danced with a balloon:
The static in her hair got worse:

And worse:

Adorable Ally blowing out her birthday candles:

After the party, we stopped by my parents' house. Lily was excited to have a birthday party and a visit with gwamma and papi all in the same day but she was a bit tired. She got cuddly on the floor with her kitty:

Okay, enough with the pictures:

Then Lily perked up and decided to play soccer with my parents' cat, Chelsea. That didn't go over so well:

Lily got a Dora purse as a Valentine's present from her grandma and papi. She loved it:
On Sunday, the kid in Paul had him outside making a huge snowman in our yard while Lily and I watched from the warmth of the living room:

Lily stood and played in her diaper box by the window while she watched daddy work:

Paul and Lily with the completed snowman. He was huge:

Silly girl took the receptacle out of her frog potty and wandered around with the frog on her head:

Lily concentrating hard on playing with her dinosaurs. She is so adorably sensitive. She had one dinosaur roar at the other one then had it say, "Oh, sorry. I scare you?":

Look at the similar bang styles. Why would someone do this to her? Boo hoo:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

1Y49W: Lily Loves her Mama! (1/31/11 - 2/6/11)

On Tuesday, Lily started saying, “I love you, mama.” It is the sweetest sound I have ever heard and made me cry every time she said it.

Wednesday was deemed ‘Snowmagedon’ by many newscasters but the snowstorm didn’t quite live up to the hype, thank goodness. We did have nearly a foot of snow and there was a lot of drifting. I stayed home from work with Lily because I didn’t want to risk driving her the 19 miles to daycare on potentially hazardous roads. Paul went to work, however. He said that it wasn’t too bad in Ann Arbor but the roads around us were awful and he wouldn’t have been able to get up the hill to leave our neighborhood without his four wheel drive.

Paul took Thursday and Friday off work to get some big and messy projects done around the house so on Friday morning, I took Lily to my parents’ house for the night so that we would be out of his way. Lily loves spending time with gwamma and papi so she had a blast. On Saturday my mom and I went shopping at Birch Run during Lily’s nap. When we got back, we all went to Burger King for dinner. Lily didn’t want to put her shoes on to leave but willingly complied when she found out that we were going to get “burger fries” (she always chants that when we see the Golden Arches). In the car ride to the restaurant, she declared, “I so excited!” It was so cute. While we were eating, there was a very hairy man with an incredibly long ponytail and a giant beard wearing a red plaid shirt and jeans. As soon as Lily spotted him, she excitedly declared, “Grandpa!” and kept shouting to him to get his attention. My parents and I couldn’t stop laughing. Apparently his outfit reminded her of Grandpa Ron but despite the red plaid shirt and jeans, this very hairy bearded man bore absolutely no resemblance to the nearly bald and beardless Ron. It was so funny. We returned home late on Saturday night and I spent Sunday cleaning and organizing the house.

Lily did much better this week at daycare now that we told Tammy to forget regulating Lily’s naps. That was such a miserable failure. Now we have our happy girl back so we are very happy as well.

Another cute thing Lily started saying this week is, “I so happy!” whenever she is in a good mood. It is very cute. She also loves to sing now and sings along to songs on her favorite Dora episodes and sings along with me when I do her naptime song. She likes to play hide and seek and upon hiding declares in a sing-song voice, “Come and find me!” So cute.

Here are some pictures from this week.

Silly girl wandering around in mama's boots on Wednesday:

Lily watching cartoons and still wearing my boots:

Continuing with her shoes that don't belong theme, Lily put her tennis shoes on my old Pooh bear then put him in her Pooh chair:

Happy girl playing soccer with grandma while papi washed dishes on Friday:

Smiley Lily who happily put on her shoes once she realized we were heading out for "burger fries" on Saturday:

Silly Lily put her Dora chair in her beloved diaper box and sat in it to watch TV on Sunday morning:

Cuddling up watching TV again later that evening:

Sitting inside mama's computer bag:

Lily recently started calling the trees on her bedroom mural "volcano trees". I guess I can see their resemblance to volcanoes but that was never our intention. Oops: